Post-Treatment Care Instructions

Post-Treatment Care Instructions

Care of the Mouth After Local Anesthetic

Young children may not understand the feeling of numbness associated with local anesthesia and should be supervised for one hour after leaving the office. Children should be cautioned not to chew, rub, scratch, or play with the numb lip, tongue, or cheek. Remind your child to keep his or her teeth still to prevent injury to the numb areas. It is best to keep your child on a liquid diet until the numb feeling is gone.

Care of the Mouth After Extractions

The numbness should last about 2 - 3 hours. Do not chew, rub, scratch or play with the numb lip, tongue or cheek. Your child should be watched closely until the numb feeling wears off. Remind your child to keep his/her teeth still to prevent injury to the numb areas.

Your child will be biting on gauze and should continue the biting pressure as instructed.

Bleeding is expected but will be well controlled before leaving the office. If sustained bleeding occurs, your child should bite firmly on gauze for 15 minute intervals.

Maintain a soft diet for the remainder of the day.

Please avoid carbonated drinks and straws for the remainder of the day.

Sports activity is usually restricted for the remainder of the day.

Motrin or Tylenol as directed according to the age of the child.